人民網北京4月20日電(趙竹青)今天上午10時,由國家知識產權局、中央宣傳部等23個部門聯合主辦的2015年全國知識產權宣傳周活動在人民網啟動。世界知識產權組織總干事高銳(Francis Gurry)發來視頻賀詞。以下為致辭全文:
Good Morning,
It’s a great pleasure for me to be able to say a few words on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day. The origin of World Intellectual Property Day was a proposal by the Delegations of China and Algeria, some 15 years ago. This is the 15th World Intellectual Property Day and I should like to record our thanks to China for having initiated this very important occasion. It’s now celebrated around the world and it’s an opportunity for us to at the role and contribution of intellectual property. We usually do so through one particular theme. This year this theme that we’ve chosen is music, “Get up, stand up. For music”.
Like most things, music has a very long history in China and indeed, throughout the whole of human civilization, music has played, always, a fundamental role. There are no societies in the world without music and a musical tradition.
Intellectual Property and copyright, in particular, play a very fundamental role in relation to music and to the sustainability of music as an economic and social phenomenon in our societies. Essentially, the role of copyright is to provide a means for financing cultural production. It gives to authors, to composers, to performers, a right which enables them to control the use and, in particular, the commercial exploitation of their creative output.
Of course, this takes place now very much in an environment which is in transition, an environment from the analogue world to the digital environment. This creates enormous challenges; it creates enormous opportunities at the same time because composers, authors, song writers, performers now have through the Internet a worldwide stage.
We should, however, in that transition, and in these wonderful opportunities presented by the digital environment, always remember that we have to find a means to reward financially the creative output of song writers, composers and performers in particular, and to ensure their financial sustainability, and their right, I think, to a decent economic existence, as a consequence of the great contribution that they make to culture and to our society.
I should like to take this occasion to commend China, if I may, for its warm embrace of intellectual property. In the past 30 years’ course, China’s journey in relation to intellectual property has been quite extraordinary. It now ranks as the largest intellectual property producer, really, in the world. It has the largest patent office, it has the trademark office, the largest designs office and the number of registrations of creative works is well over one million per year. The creative output of China echoes without saying is something extraordinarily rich and extraordinarily diverse.
I should like to thank China also for its strong and constructive engagement in the World Intellectual Property Organization. This has been a consistent pattern throughout the course of the last 30 years, the latest expression, let me say formal expression, of that was perhaps the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances which was concluded in Beijing in 2012. It’ very pertinent to the theme of World Intellectual Property Day this year because what the Beijing Treaty does is protect audiovisual performances and that’s for example all those videos that we see, that are produced by performers of musical works. The Beijing Treaty complemented two treaties that were concluded in 1996, and which provided the fundamental foundation in the digital environment for the protection of musical works. It added the dimension of audiovisual works.
So it’s a great day to celebrate China’s strong engagement in intellectual property, China’s strong engagement in the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the fundamental importance of copyright to ensuring the financial and cultural sustainability of musical creations in the future.