
海盗湾上传数量同比增长50% 打击盗版遭遇重创【2】

2014年01月03日09:20    来源:新华网    手机看新闻
原标题:海盗湾上传数量同比增长50% 打击盗版遭遇重创

  Pirate Bay Uploads Up by 50 Percent in 2013 Despite Raids and Blockades

  Authorities and copyright holders all over the world tried their damnedest to kill the Pirate Bay, but as data reported by TorrentFreak proves, the file sharing hub is a rogue ship that won't sink.

  According to TorrentFreak, the Pirate Bay's monthly uploads grew roughly 50 percent year over year, from 50,411 in November 2012 to 74,195 last month. The site now lists links to about 2.8 million torrents.

  It should be noted that this impressive growth continued despite monumental efforts to obliterate the Pirate Bay from the earth. As TF points out, the site had to change domains six times throughout the year. This only underscores arguments made by Google and others that chasing down torrent links all over the world is a game that copyright holders can't win.



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